Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Empty Promises

Its been awhile since I last blog, and honestly, I need to set something straight, I will only blog when there is really an issue that I need to get it out of my freakin' chest and this is another of it. As everyone should know, the current company I'm working with is really one ambitions company. We are of course doing well in terms of getting business in(and also chasing away our customers!), however, our MD just don't see the reality in these sort of economy where people are just not into spending money.

Just imagine, we bought and entire 2 shoplots consisting of 6 columns which will be our new office right next door to where we are now which costs us easily between RM 2 million to RM 3 million. Nobody does that in these uncertain market! Nobody!. Thats just one of the issue. Another is, he keeps giving empty promises to all departments where once we shift, we will get what we wanted for example allocated budgets to designated departments. In my case, the IT Department, where there are certain things that needs to be acquired for the entire office to benefit from.

Part of my job is to get quotations from suppliers and vendors before acquiring any IT related items and one of it currently is the UPS. Due to the recent blackout, one of our UPS has broken down which requires replacement. When I got the quotation totaled up to RM 1,600, my MD freaked out saying "Asal mahal sangat?!", I was like SHOCKED !? RM 1,600 mahal sangat!? You must be kiddin' me, you are paying millions of ringgit for a damn building and you can't come out with RM 1.6k ??? This is absurd ! Before he said, to do what I can to improve the infrastructure and he's already complaining when asked to pay RM 1.6k for the UPS !?? If the UPS is not acquired, if it blacked out again, the servers will start to fail one by one and data will be lost forever.

In malay there's this saying for those who don't know, and it is also to describe my MD, nothing else then, "KEDEKUT TAK BERTEMPAT". That's what I call him now.

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