During my younger days in secondary school, or even college/university period, I was never really into politics. Unlike my parents, who are avid supporters of the Barisan Nasional political party, I was avoiding to discuss politics and even talk about it in public as it was a sensitive issue. Discussing it in public and sometimes amongst friends can cause potential fights and arguments as everyone has their own opinions on who is right and who is wrong. OK, fuck that now, I hated politics! To me, at the time, when Tun Mahathir was in power, the country was flourishing and doing well. Too well in fact that the people took it for granted and hoped that Tun himself can handle the country alone. He did handle it well by himself actually, until he made the grave mistake of passing the position to his deputy who is at the time was Pak Lah @ Badawi.
Since then, the country went into 'Reverse Mode' and he took all of us back to the times of Melacca where it was all about Muslim and Religion. The other races was feeling bored and fedup with all this Islam Hadhari crap..so do we muslims actually. Its not that I have anything against my own religion but then it has to have a balance between religion and development of the country.
After realising this mistake, Tun Mahathir, who was then a retired PM, decided to go all out and gung-ho to reverse his decision and asked for a step-down from Pak Lah and asked Najib to take his throne to become PM. So Pak Lah then stepped down, and Najib became PM. And now, here goes the roller coaster ride, 1Malaysia is implemented and everywhere seems to be 1Malaysia concept. Najib keep stressing to the people that the country has no money and has limited resources to work with and started charging unnecessary taxes everywhere to collect money to fund his next general election. BN = money oriented!
Where else, PKR, is more of an unstable political party consisting of 3 major political party who joined together under 1 motto and that is to overthrow Barisan Nasional. However, have they ever thought in the long run, maybe shall we say in 30-40 years time, if they somehow managed to overthrow BN, will they be able to handle the country well ? I for once, am very much siding towards PKR since I lost my trust in the BN principle of 'crony first, people second' but can PKR handle the country !?
Conclusion : Can PKR handle the country once they down BN ? Can BN change and reform ? Who shall I vote then for something to happen ??? I guess none of those 2 parties can make any difference. I seriously have no more faith in Malaysia's political agendas.
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