My mom owns a laptop which is a Compaq Presario CQ40 and it recently died on her. The screen went completely blank when switched on and start showing some white blinking lights on the Num Lock and Caps Lock. Not that I know that is the blinking lights were blinking 4 times and stopped for a second or two, and it blinked 4 times again.
Actually the reason for this was HP has already implemented a symptom optimization feature in all its recent laptops to show what is spoilt by counting the number blinks the white light gives. For example, in my mom's case was the white light blinks 4 times which indicates the "graphic controller" was spoilt.
What I did next was to check whether the laptop is still under warranty or not on the official HP website using its serial number and found out that the laptop is indeed under warranty until August 2012(Lucky Me!). Straight off to HP Malaysia Tower, Jalan Siantan, Bukit Damansara to get it fixed. Went to the counter and told the officer we need it to be fixed and replaced. He recommended instead to check with the technician on the other side of the office and get back to him if it cannot be fixed on the spot.
After checking with the technician, it seems that its not the "graphics controller" but it was the Memory(RAM) that needs dusting. From what I read on the HP website, if it blinks 3 times THEN its Memory giving trouble, but in this case it blinks 4 times and its still the Memory ????? HP's symptom analyzer not doing too well i guess ?????
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