Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Importance of Improving Yourself

To improve oneself, it takes determination, courage and of course, knowledge. We can always say
"I have learnt enough, I guess there's nothing more to learn"

But that's where we are wrong !. In life, as human beings, god gave us brains to learn, even as muslim's, we are encouraged to learn, learn and continue learning until the day our body and soul succumbed to death. Once a person, who either can be working or still studying, decides that he/she is satisfied and content with what they have in life, that's where life ends for them.
For example, in a working environment, where we have colleagues who functions and works only as much as what they are paid for. It is this workplace mentality that is killing our Malaysian society. There's this famous saying :-

"Why should I work more than what I was paid for?"

Yes, it is true and it makes complete sense to not find the motivation to work more than what you are paid for, but there will come a time, where you will be paid more than for what you work for.

"Always work more than what you are paid for, as later, you will paid for more than what you work for "
- Andrew Matthews

There are 2 types of employees in the office. The first one, will work and function as they are told, strive to improve themselves as they are motivated to earn more and move up the career ladder. The second one, only exists for the sake of existing and occupying the space in the office. He/she is not interested in making more, earning more, improving in terms of knowledge nor skill, and is only looking forward to pay day. These group is called the "paper weights". They are just for the sake of being there. So tell me now, which type of employee, is the most dangerous to have in your company ? And what should we do with these kind of people ?? Feedback's are very much appreciated.

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